Weekly Schedule
Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010 | 27th Sunday after Pentecost * |
10:00 AM | Divine Liturgy for parish |
following liturgy | Fellowship in St. Mary’s Hall |
Monday, Nov. 29, 2010 | |
9:00 AM | Office of the 3rd Hour |
5:30 PM | Divine Liturgy +Andrew Pruvenok |
Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010 | Apostle Andrew |
9:00 AM | Office of the 3rd Hour |
5:30 PM | Divine Liturgy +Joseph Essick |
Wed., Dec. 1, 2010 | |
9:00 AM | Office of the 3rd Hour |
7:00 PM | Charismatic Service |
Thursday, Dec. 2, 2010 | |
9:00 AM | Office of the 3rd Hour |
11:30 AM | Divine Liturgy +John Cimar |
Friday, Dec. 3, 2010 | |
9:00 AM | Office of the 3rd Hour |
5:30 PM | Divine Liturgy +Anna Potoma |
Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010 | |
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM | Parish Work Day |
5:00 PM | Vigil Divine Liturgy |
Sunday, Dec. 5, 2010 | 28th Sunday after Pentecost * |
10:00 AM | Divine Liturgy for parish |
following liturgy | Pitch-in St. Nicholas Brunch in St. Mary’s Hall * denotes obligation to attend liturgy that day |
St. Nicholas Brunch
Holy Father’s comments misrepresented by media
Reports by the media claiming that comments made by Pope Benedict XVI in his newly released book represent a “seismic shift in the Vatican’s position on birth control” are false and misreported. An accurate presentation of what the Pope actually said can be obtained by visiting www.zenit.org or by actually reading the Holy Father’s new book.
Banns of Marriage
It is the intention of Marcus Jon Loidolt son of Melvin & Catherine Loidolt to take in marriage Kimetha Gwen Steele, widow and daughter of Eugene & Dorothy Pottgieser in marriage on the 30th day of April 2011, here at St. Athanasius the Great Byzantine Catholic Church.
Parish Work Day
December 4 – this Saturday – next parish work day – be there. It is being referred to as the St. Phillips Fast Day of Service and Recollection sponsored by the St. Athanasius Maintenance Department. Prior to work the day will start in the church with candle lighting for everyone’s intentions, festal readings, tropars, and carols. Continental breakfast served at 8 am. Ethnic lunch served at noon. Look at the project list in St. Mary’s Hall or here.