Weekly Schedule
Sunday, Dec. 5, 2010 | 28th Sunday after Pentecost Sabbas Venerable * |
10:00 AM | Divine Liturgy for parish |
following liturgy | Pitch-in St. Nicholas Brunch in St. Mary’s Hall |
Monday, Dec. 6, 2010 | Archbishop Nicholas of Myra – Solemn Holyday |
9:00 AM | Office of the 3rd Hour |
5:30 PM | Divine Liturgy |
Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010 | |
9:00 AM | Office of the 3rd Hour |
5:30 PM | Vigil Divine Liturgy |
Wed., Dec. 8, 2010 | Conception of St. Anna – Solemn Holyday |
7:30 AM | Divine Liturgy |
9:00 AM – 6 PM | Baking in St. Mary’s Hall |
7:00 PM | Ancient Healing Service |
Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010 | |
9:00 AM | Office of the 3rd Hour |
Friday, Dec. 10, 2010 | |
9:00 AM | Office of the 3rd Hour |
5:30 PM | Divine Liturgy +Peter Cimar |
Saturday, Dec. 11, 2010 | |
9:00 AM – noon | Evangelize at Binford Holiday Market |
5:00 PM | Vigil Divine Liturgy |
Sunday, Dec. 12, 2010 | 28th Sunday after Pentecost * |
10:00 AM | Divine Liturgy for parish |
following liturgy | Hosting St. Alphonsus Liguori in St. Mary’s Hall * denotes obligation to attend liturgy that day |
St. Nicholas Brunch
The feast day for St. Nicholas of Myra is tomorrow, December 6th. Come to St. Mary’s Hall following the Divine Liturgy and share a meal with us today, December 5th. There’s a rumor that St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, will be visiting us!
The Divine Liturgy for the feast will be celebrated on Monday at 5:30 PM.
Christmas Gifts – Here
Books, icons, Christmas cards, scrip, bake goods are all available so you don’t have to worry about all those lines at the mall. Do your Christmas shopping at your parish and invite others to do so too. Note: the parish could use 2 more wreaths to decorate the side pillars of the church, if you’d like to donate one or two.
Parish Prayer & Service Day
Thanks to those who attended St. Phillips Fast Day of Service and Recollection on Saturday, December 4th: Richard M, Scott A, Bill F, Mike & Tanua P, Max B, Joe, Mary, Nicholas & Thomas K, and John D. The day started with prayer & lighting of candles. Breakfast & lunch were served. Eight and ½ major items were marked off the to-do list – check the bulletin board in St. Mary’s Hall for the list. God grant your servants many blessed and happy years!
St. Alphonsus Liguori Visit
If you recall, the Confirmation class of St. Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church in Zionsville attended our parish for Divine Liturgy last year at this time. Fr. Sid and Henry Peresie will be presenting “The Eastern Catholic Church” to them at their parish this Sunday evening on December 5th. Next Sunday, December 12th, the new Confirmation class will be attending Divine Liturgy here at St. Athanasius. We will be providing them a luncheon so they have time to socialize with our parishioners and ask questions. The parish will provide pizza. If you’d like to bring other snacks feel free to do so.