Weekly Schedule
Sunday, Jan. 9, 2011 | Sunday After Theophany * |
10:00 AM | Divine Liturgy for parish |
following liturgy | Fellowship in St. Mary’s Hall |
Monday, Jan. 10, 2011 | |
No Liturgy | |
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011 | Theodosius – Venerable |
6:00 PM | Divine Liturgy Linda Edelhofer |
Wed., Jan. 12, 2011 | |
7:00 PM | Ancient Healing Service |
Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011 | |
6:00 PM | Divine Liturgy †Peter Cimar Jr. |
Friday, Jan. 14, 2011 | |
No Liturgy | |
Saturday, Jan. 15, 2011 | |
5:00 PM | Vigil Divine Liturgy for Sunday |
Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011 | 34th Sunday after Pentecost * |
10:00 AM | Divine Liturgy Mysteries of Christian Initiation for Larry Foust |
following liturgy | Fellowship in St. Mary’s Hall * denotes obligation to attend liturgy that day |
Our Focus on Marriage Needs You
Join Bishop John and the faithful of our eparchy at the Cathedral in Parma for Vespers this Thursday, January 13 followed by a presentation by Deacon John Evancho: “Loving as Christ Loved the Church.”
If you can’t make it to the Cathedral, you don’t need to miss this opportunity. Join us on-line for a live streaming video of the experience beginning at 6:30 pm this Thursday. Simply log onto www.parma.org and the follow the instructions.
Mysteries of Initiation
Next Sunday, January 16, Larry Foust will be receiving the 3 Mysteries of Initiation: Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Eucharist. It is another blessing for our parish to welcome Larry into the Eastern Catholic Church here at St. Athanasius. Come celebrate with Larry as he is empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Stewardship 2010 – 2011
The parish collected 39% of its goal last month. There’s less than 2/3 of the way to go. Please return your completed pledge card. The annual Eparchial Stewardship Appeal helps support Bishop John’s important programs.
House Blessings
It is our tradition to bless all parishioners’ homes in the few weeks following the celebration of Theophany. Please let the rectory know when you’re available to have Fr. Sid bless your home with the new Jordan water that was blessed January 6th.
Upcoming Events: Life in the Spirit seminar and St. Benedict Oblates. More info will be forthcoming.