Sabbas - Venerable Gal 5:22-6:2 Mt 11:27-30
Sabbas - Venerable Gal 5:22-6:2 Mt 11:27-30
Ambrose - Archbishop Eph 2:11-13 Luke 13:18-29
Thrysus and Others – Martyrs Eph 5:1-8 Lk 14:1-11
Sunday of the Forefathers Heb 11:9-10 & 17- 23 & 32-40; Mt 1:1- 25
Prefestive Day of Christmas Galatian 3:8-12; Luke 13:18-29
Sunday before Christmas John 20:19-31 Heb 11:9-10; 17- 23; 32-40; Matthew 1:1-25
Last day of the year Melany Venerable 2 Tim 3:16-4:4 Lk 19:45-48
Saturday before Theophany Rom 8:8-14 Lk 10:1-15
Saturday after Theophany - Eph 6:10-17; 2 Cor 4:6-15 Mt 4:1-11; Mt 11:27-30
The Annual Men's Retreat is a blessing and a time to join with other men of faith to grow in your walk. The Beatitudes by Fr. Lukas is such an …