
Sunday of the Forefathers Heb 11:9-10 & 17- 23 & 32-40; Mt 1:1- 25

ECF & Vespers

Sunday of the Forefathers Heb 11:9-10 & 17- 23 & 32-40; Mt 1:1- 25

Moleben to Emmanuel

Holy Prophet Daniel Heb 12:25-26; 13:22-25; Mark 10:2-12

Moleben to Emmanuel

The Holy Martyr Boniface James 1:19-27; Mark 10:17-27


Sunday before Christmas John 20:19-31 Heb 11:9-10; 17- 23; 32-40; Matthew 1:1-25

ECF & Vespers

Sunday before Christmas John 20:19-31 Heb 11:9-10; 17- 23; 32-40; Matthew 1:1-25

Royal Hours

Anysia Martyr 2 Tim: 20-26 Lk 19: 37-44