Weekly Schedule
Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011 |
Sunday after Exaltation of the Cross * |
10:00 AM |
Divine Liturgy |
following liturgy |
Fellowship in St. Mary’s Hall – everyone’s welcome |
Monday, Sept. 19, 2011 |
6:00 PM |
Paraklesis |
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011 | |
6:00 PM |
Patristics Theology class |
Wed., Sept. 21, 2011 |
9:00 AM |
Office of Hours |
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011 |
5:30 PM |
Divine Liturgy †Marilyn Grabow |
Friday, Sept. 23, 2011 |
Conception of John the Baptist |
12:00 PM |
Office of Hours |
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011 |
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM |
Evangelization at Binford & Carmel Markets |
Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011 |
15th Sunday after Exaltation of the Cross * |
10:00 AM |
Divine Liturgy |
following liturgy |
Fellowship in St. Mary’s Hall |
Events Calendar
- The next Knights of Columbus brunch will be on Sunday, September 25. Invite your friends.
- The next healing service is Wednesday, September 28 at 7 PM. We had a very powerful service this past Wednesday. If you haven’t attended in a while put this date on your calendar and experience this great service. You can come and pray for those who can’t attend. Many have been healed with someone else sitting in proxy for them. With absolute faith in God’s word you & they will be healed.
- The 29th Annual Celebrate Life Dinner will be on Tuesday evening, September 27th in the Sagamore Ballroom of the Indianapolis Convention Center. This banquet is a major fundraiser for Right to Life of Indianapolis whose main goals continue to foster life in a positive way from conception on. This year’s speaker is Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, a nationally active organization devoted to closing abortion facilities. He has been involved in “pro-life activism” since 1991 and is an accomplished public speaker and a published author whose works include the book Their Blood Cries Out. To make your reservation, please go to www.rtlindy.org or call 317-582-1526.
- The solemn feast of the Protection of the Theotokos is October 1.
- Annual Eparchy of Parma Women’s Retreat will be October 14-16 in Clinton, OH. Material is in St. Mary’s Hall or go to the registration form.
- Indiana Catholic Men’s Conference is October 29. Visit www.indianacatholicmen.com for details.
- Byzanteen March for Life Bus Trip is January 21-23, 2012. Material is in St. Mary’s Hall and here.
Thanks for your help
Thank you to those who have kept Fr. Sid and Marge Hays in your prayers. Both are improving each week. Keep asking for God’s healing grace upon them. They greatly appreciate your efforts.
Deacon John Evancho has helped Fr. Sid and the parish for 3 weekends. Deacon Timothy Tkach will be with us today. Please extend a warm welcome to Deacon Tkach for his help. Remember a prayer of thanks to Fr. Thomas Loya and Annunciation parish in Homer Glen, IL for sharing their deacons with us.
The Knights of Columbus men continue to assist Fr. Sid 24/7 until he gets back to living independently again. Also thanks to those that have brought meals and provided other nurturing care to Father Sid. You are current day saints. God and your guardian angels must be extremely pleased. Father Sid enjoys visits so take some time out in your busy lives to call or visit.
Fund Raising
Remember to buy scrip cards, books and baked goods as these are fund raisers for the parish.