Glory to Jesus Christ!
The previously scheduled divine liturgy on Friday evening, January 20th, is canceled. Fr. Sid Sidor and other parish members will be on a road trip Friday to the Cleveland, OH area. Pray for their safe travel and a productive trip.
The next Metropolitan of Pittsburgh will be Bishop William Skurla. God grant our soon to be enthroned Metropolitan many blessed years! Announcement on the Vatican Website. Or read about it in this Pittsburgh newspaper
Saturday will be a work day at the church starting at 9 AM. We could use your help. Lunch will be served. The vigil divine liturgy will be held at 5:30 PM Saturday. Spend your Saturday night out at St. Athanasius. Following the evening liturgy we will be having an informal dinner: pizza, salad, dessert. You can bring other items to share. See you there.
Sunday morning Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 10 AM. It will be followed by the Knights of Columbus monthly brunch. So bring a friend to enrich themselves in the ancient Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. Then enjoy a friendly social brunch. You’ll also have the opportunity to buy fresh baked goods, excellent books and scrip gift cards while you’re there. Spread the word.