The monthly brunch hosted by the parish’s Knights of Columbus James J O’Brian Council 13850 will be held following the 10 a.m. Divine Liturgy. Come meet our new priest, Fr. Innocenti Rossi. We invite all parishioners, friends, neighbors and visitors to attend the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and then for the meal in St. Mary’s Hall. Come and enjoy the menu of salad, pirohi (filled dumplings a.k.a. vareniky in Ukrainian) with sauteed onions and sour cream, kielbasa with sauerkraut, eggs, hash browns, baked beans, salsa & chips, coffee, milk, juice and dessert.
Liturgy starts at 10 am. Brunch is from 11:15 am until 12:45 pm. We ask for a free will donation (suggestion is $6 for adults and $3 for children) to help the council cover its expenses and more importantly to provide funds to help the parish in its various ministries.
Flyer to share with others. Feel free to post in the Indianapolis vicinity.