On May 6th the bakers (Cyndi, Julia, Rita & John) made our famous nut rolls, kifli (nut butter horns) and pumpkin logs. We’re making another batch of rolls and kolachy this Thursday. If you can help, even for a couple of hours, we can use your helping hands. If you can’t physically come then pray for those that do come. Pray that we have a great time socializing, working safely and being productive so no one has to stay too long. Realize that God blesses those parishioners & friends who sacrifice some of their busy week’s schedule to help on bake & market days. This is our primary fund raising activity. It also is a unique evangelistic tool to educate the public on some of the special things that the Eastern Catholic Church brings to entire Catholic Church.
Thursday’s list of activities include: making fillings, making dough, weighing dough, assembling / egg washing / baking / cutting / wrapping / labeling the rolls. You see, we can use you for a few hours either early, mid-day, or late afternoon/evening. If you know someone who wants to learn how to make potica (our famous rolls) invite them to join us this Thursday, May 20th from 8:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.
On Saturday the Carmel Farmers Market begins. Because this Saturday is also the 5th and final All Souls Saturday of the liturgical year the parish is having a Divine Liturgy and Panachida starting at 9 a.m. John, who usually brings the baked goods and sells them at the Carmel market, won’t be able to go to the market this week. He will be helping cantor and serve at the Divine Liturgy. If you can’t make it to the Liturgy but can help at the market, especially this Saturday, please email or call the rectory. Thanks!